Regardless of the size, function, or priorities of your call center, planning to beat a staffing crunch is a challenge. But if it’s done well, your business can run efficiently year-round and be highly successful. What are the keys?
1. Gather the Facts
Look at the history of call center activity and performance. Review reports for key performance indicators (KPI), including:
- Call volume
- Average speed answered
- Average time in queue
- Average handle time
- Average abandonment rate
- Customer satisfaction
- Agent turnover rate
Your forecast will become increasingly accurate as you gather historical data from previous years. Find answers to questions such as:
- What were the KPIs in previous years for the month of December?
- When are there peaks or declines in call volume?
- What is the average call volume, wait time, or handle time in summer months?
2. Calculate the Workload
The data you gather will make it easier to calculate the workload. Compare yearly, monthly, and seasonal data. Consider the circumstances that influenced historical data. Also include factors for the current year, month, or season that can impact projections. Some factors might include:
- New products
- New trends
- Procedural changes
- Special promotions
- Unusual events
3. Create Schedules
Now that you’ve determined how many workers are needed to handle the workload, it’s time to create schedules. Many managers add a few staff members to cover unexpected absences and high-than-expected call volume. Weigh the figures carefully to find a balance between minimizing wait time and preventing agents from being idle for extended periods. Multiple schedules might be needed for:
- Shift changes
- Full-time or part-time staff
- Temporary staff for special projects or peak seasons
4. Make Adjustments
Despite your calculations, planning, preparation, headcount, and schedules will still need to be adjusted for efficient operations. Continue to track, review, and analyze performance data to ensure you have the staff needed in a crunch or a decline. Your efforts will improve individual and call-center performance and customer satisfaction.
5. Partner with Call-Center Staffing Professionals
Forecasting staffing needs and hiring the right talent for a call center aren’t easy. Priority One Staffing has more than 20 years of experience in helping employers forecast and meet their staffing requirements. The client testimonial and the client success story below are just a small representation of our effective staffing solutions. Partner with us.
Client testimonial
“Priority One consistently meets all of our recruiting needs! As a client of Priority One, I feel as though I am their number one priority. They take the time to get to personally know our business, our team and our culture. They are responsive and diligent in their pursuit of the right candidate. I highly recommend Priority One.” – B. L., Director Human Resources, International Call Center
Client success story
International Publishing Concern – With call centers in Ireland, Australia and North America, Priority One has staffed the inbound customer service center and the outbound sales center for their United States location.
Are you looking to upgrade your hiring strategy?
At Priority One Staffing, we’ve already done the leg-work and established a pool of candidates that includes the experienced talent you need. Contact us today to partner with us for your staffing solutions.
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